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Library Guides
What this module is about
Not everything you find may be appropriate and academically acceptable to use. It's important to use scholarly sources for your assignments. Before including any sources in your assignment, you will need to evaluate them to decide whether they are relevant for your topic and appropriate for use at university. |
Core Evaluation Skills |
In this section you will learn the what, why and how of evaluating resources including useful checklists. |
Evaluating Journals |
Here you will learn about why journal articles are important, the different types of journal articles, how to recognize scholarly journals and the peer review process. |
Evaluating Books |
Here you will learn about what books are useful for and how to identify scholarly books. |
Evaluating Webpages |
Lastly, you will learn about how webpages can be useful, different kinds of webpages, recognizing fake news and using Wikipedia. |
Toolkit Home | Defining Your Topic | Searching for Resources | Evaluating Resources | Referencing
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