JCU Library

Subject Code Guides

HS2101/HS3101: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health and Wellbeing

Recommended databases

For these assessment tasks, it is not enough to use One Search.

There are a number of databases that allow you to search for health related information.


When evaluating your results, you should consider the following questions.

  • What is the intended audience?

  • Is the content biased?

  • What's the source's authority? Is it peer-reviewed?

  • How accurate is it?

  • How current is the information?

You can also use the Cornell Method Template to critically read and analyse the information contained in the articles you find in your results.


Tips for searching Medline/Emcare/Cinahl


Remember to use the Subject Heading Oceanic Ancestry Group to find resources relating to Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders

Useful Subject Headings

The following Subject Headings will be useful when searching Medline, Emcare & Cinahl:

Oceanic Ancestry Group  (Medline)

Australian Aboriginal (Cinahl)

Health Status Disparities

Life Expectancy

Infant Mortality

Child mortality

Infantile Mortality


"Closing the Gap" will need to be searched as a keyword in Medline, Emcare and Cinahl

Don't forget to include your limits.  Choose your date range below the search box.

Tips for searching Informit for your assessment topics

  Assessment task: Essay

Informit does not use subject headings the same way as Medline or CINAHL - you have to search all the relevant terms 

Boolean (AND, OR, NOT) MUST be in caps to work!

Useful Search Terms

The following keywords may be useful when searching Informit:

  • aborig* OR torres OR indigenous OR austroloid OR "oceanic ancestry group"
  • "closing the gap"
  • "Health Status Disparities" OR "Life Expectancy"
  • "Infant Mortality" OR "Infantile Mortality" OR "Fetal Mortality" OR "Child mortality" OR "Childhood mortality"

For more information on how to use boolean (AND, OR, NOT) or using the * and " " commands to refine your search, check out the the Search Smarter tab.

Always use the Advanced Search and don't forget your limits!

Choose your date range below the search box.

Tips for searching One Search for your assessment topics


Useful Subject Headings

The following Subject Headings will be useful when searching One Search:


"closing the gap" AND "life expectancy"

"closing the gap" AND Aboriginal



Use the limiters to search for 'Full text', 'Peer review' and 'Date ranges'

Searching Medline

Watch the video below to learn how to use Medline (Ovid).

Then look at the tips in the box to the right for a few hints to get you started.

Searching CINAHL

Watch the video below to learn how to use CINAHL.

Then look at the tips in the box to the right for a few hints to get you started.



Searching Informit

Watch the video below to learn how to use Informit Health databases.

Then look at the tips in the box to the right for a few hints to get you started.

Searching One Search

We acknowledge the Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the first inhabitants of the nation and acknowledge Traditional Owners of the lands where our staff and students, live, learn and work.Acknowledgement of Country

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA) 4.0 International License, unless otherwise noted. Content from this Guide should be attributed to James Cook University Library. This does not apply to images, third party material (seek permission from the original owner) or any logos or insignia belonging to JCU or other bodies, which remain All Rights Reserved.
