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Open Access Publishing

Open Access Week 2022


This year’s Open Access week theme seeks to this year’s theme provides an opportunity to join together, take action, and raise awareness around the importance of community control of knowledge sharing systems

JCU open access activities will be held during the course of Open Access Week, 24-30 October, 2023

The Open Access Week Webinar will be held online on 25 October 1pm, with the following speakers:

  • Professor Susan Harris Rimmer, Director, Policy innovation Hub, Lead of the Climate Justice theme of the Griffith Climate Action Beacon Griffith Business School
  • Dr Maxine Newlands, Senior Lecturer, Political Science, James Cook University
  • Winners of the HDR Open Access Advocate Award 2022 and the ECR Open Access Champion Award 2022, will be announced during Open Access Week
  •  Events organised by Open Access Australasia
  • Updated Open Access Guide for information about the many benefits of open access and how you can publish open access.
  • Series of social media posts during October 2022.

ECR Open Access Champion Award 2022

The ECR Open Access Champion 2023 Award will be awarded to the JCU ECR who, in the opinion of an expert judging panel, has made the greatest contribution to Open Access through their research publications within the previous three to four years.

The winner will receive a $200 book voucher sponsored by JCU Library.

The Judging Panel will comprise: 

  • Professor Dean Jerry (Associate Dean, Research, CSE)
  • Professor Koen Stapelbroek (Associate Dean Research, CASE) 
  • Dr Rachel Hay (2022 Winner and Lecturer, Psychology, College of Healthcare Sciences) (Rachel was invited but had to pull due to personal circumstances)
  • Tove Lemberget, Repository and Research Outputs Coordinator (Library)
  • Jayshree Mamtora, Manager, Scholarly Communications (Library).

The winners of the 2022 Awards have now been announced and are:

  • ECR Open Access Champion: Daniel Miller, Lecturer, Psychology, College of Healthcare Sciences 
  • Highly Commended 1: Ailie McDowall, Senior Lecturer, Indigenous Education & Research Centre
  • Highly Commended 2: Alexandra Edelman, Research Fellow, College of Public Health, Medical & Vet Sciences

HDR Open Access Advocate Award 2022

To mark Open Access Week 2023 (23-29 October), JCU Library and the Graduate Research School (GRS) are once again pleased to invite entries for the “HDR Open Access Advocate” competition. The theme for this year's Open Access Week is: Open for Climate Justice.

The competition is open to all JCU Higher Degree by Research (HDR) candidates, with a prize awarded for the best short communication that answers the question:

How does Open Access help the cause of climate justice?

All entries should be submitted by clicking the link to enter the competition below.

Creativity is encouraged in responses, and entries in any form (from short essay to tweet to haiku to multimedia video) will be accepted – so long as they are short and sweet! Maximum one page in length.

Judging criteria are as follows:

  • Did the communication provide a clear and simple answer to the question?
  • Was the communication comprehensible to a wide range of audiences across multiple disciplines and interests?
  • Did the entrant make engaging points without trivialising the issue?
  • Did the entrant convey enthusiasm for their advocacy of the benefits of open knowledge?
  • Did the communication capture and maintain the interest of the judges?
  • Did the communication convince the judges about the benefits to open knowledge?

All PhD candidates who submit an entry will be entitled to claim 1 point in the Leadership and Initiative category of RD70003 Professional Development.


The winner will receive a $200 book voucher, jointly sponsored by the JCU Library, and the GRS.

The Judging Panel will comprise:

  • Associate Professor Denise Dillon (Associate Dean Research Education, Singapore Campus)
  • Associate Professor Liz Tynan (GRS)
  • Tianna Killoran ( 2022 winner and HDR Candidate)
  • Dr Wayne Bradshaw (Research Services Officer, Library) 
  • Jayshree Mamtora (Manager, Scholarly Communications, Library).

Terms and Conditions

  • By submitting the following form, you are accepting these terms and conditions.
  • Only one entry per eligible person will be accepted.
  • Prizes are not transferable, not refundable and not redeemable for cash.
  • Winners will be determined by a judging panel of JCU Staff.
  • The result of the competition is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
  • To redeem the prize, the winner must have a valid email account and provide a valid postal or delivery address.
  • Proof of identity must be provided by the winner in order to receive the prize.
  • JCU Staff are not eligible to enter the competition except where the staff member is also a current HDR candidate.
  • Entries close 5pm on Monday, 4 October 2022.

Please submit your entry here by COB Monday, 4 October 2022. The winner will be announced during Open Access Week.


JCU Open Access Week 2022 WEBINAR

Open for Climate Justice 25 October, 1pm AEST 

Webinar recordings are now linked from below.
Speaker 1

Cruel Summer: A Climate Justice Manifesto for Extreme Heat Events

Image of Dr. Susan Harris RimmerProfessor Susan Harris Rimmer, Director, Griffith University Policy Innovation Hub

The Northern Hemisphere has just weathered one of the most difficult summers on record, with extreme heat events causing  loss of life and social harm, especially in cities. New Delhi, Phoenix, San Francisco, Shanghai all hit records of heat and  humidity.

Heat-related deaths are on the rise globally: in 2019, a study in The Lancet attributed 356,000 deaths to extreme heat. Over 2,000 people died in Spain and Portugal in the space of a week in July this year due to heatwaves. But we also know that  extreme heat, like covid, affects marginalised and vulnerable people adversely.  Here are the best ideas from global practice  that Australia can apply to take a human rights approach to extreme heat events.

Launching late 2022, the Climate Justice Observatory will bring together human rights methodologies of observatories: the provision of reliable information, equity data, climate modelling, long-form journalism and multidisciplinary expert analysis. The online resource will allow citizens to monitor issues, map local problems and crowd-source solutions, all while providing campaign resources.

Based in Queensland, the Climate Justice Observatory will also be able to monitor and track the development of laws, policies and justice interventions in this region, adding value to existing open access global resources.

There are many ideas from global practice that Australia can apply to take a human rights approach to extreme heat events. Open access publications can play an important role in terms of connecting the science with policymaking, civil-society actors and responsible businesses. In this talk I explain how the Climate Justice Observatory both draws on open access works and creates new sources to share in order to drive local solutions. 

Climate justice (

Speaker Bio: Professor Susan Harris Rimmer is the Director of the Griffith University Policy Innovation Hub (appointed July 2020).My vision is for a gender equal society that respects human rights and has made a full and just transition to a zero carbon world. I love public policy and law reform and designing grand manifestos with diverse coalitions that create a better future for all.  Share the vision? Make contact on @femint 

With Professor Sara Davies, Susan is co-convenor of the Griffith Gender Equality Research Network. Sue also leads the Climate Justice theme of the new Griffith Climate Action Beacon. Susan is the 2021 winner of the Fulbright Scholarship in Australian-United States Alliance Studies (funded by DFAT) and was hosted by Georgetown University in Washington DC. She was named a Top Innovator by Uplink World Economic Forum for the Climate Justice Challenge in 2022.

Speaker 2

Justice for the Reef: A Political Scientist's Perspective of Open Access and Climate Justice

Dr Maxine Newlands, Senior Lecturer, Political Science, James Cook University

A political scientist working to understand how and why environmental politics and networks of communication transform policymaking, Maxine Newlands’ research interests include political ecology, environmental journalism, radical politics, protest movements, and Media discourse and the Great Barrier Reef. Drawing upon her extensive experience working with marine industries, reef protection agencies and citizen science groups, she will discuss how open access publishing encourages connection and collaboration among the climate movement and helps to tackle the wicked problems facing the environment.

Speaker Bio: Maxine has been an interdisciplinary environment and social science scholar; and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (Advanced HA) FHEA) since 2009. Maxine has several leadership roles with government Reef advisory boards (federal and state), the International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI) reef restoration committee, and the Queensland Parliamentary Education Teachers Advisory Group. In addition, Max works closely with marine industries, reef protection agencies and citizen science groups on world-leading projects. 

Open Access Australasia Events

Register for one of a series of webinars organised by Open Access Australasia during Open Access Week:
Tuesday 25th October: Session 1

11AM AEST Climate injustice in the Pacific: how can open science support vulnerable communities?

We know that the effects of climate change are felt unequally in the countries of the Asia Pacific region.
This session will explore the role of open science in mitigating climate change. What action is required?

Register here

Tuesday 25th October: OER Part 1

12PM AEST Get your hands (figuratively) dirty to help the planet: Hacking a guide to open climate resources for teachers

Work with others to create a guide to resources on climate science and climate justice with a local focus. We’ll explain what open educational resources (OERs) are, where to find them, and how we’ll collaborate over the course of OA week to create our guide.  Friday we’ll get together to see what we’ve made!

Register here

Tuesday 25th October: Session 2 

1PM AEST How the Open Landscape shifted in Australia & Aotearoa New Zealand in 2022

It’s been (another) big year in open access and open research. This session will take us on a rapid tour of some of the most consequential updates from a diverse group of individuals and organisations from Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand.

Register here

Wednesday 26th October: Session 1 

11AM AEST The double edged sword of openness in climate science

Climate science research produces huge amounts of data that are critical for our understanding of climate change. But making all this research, especially the underlying data, open is not trivial and can be weaponised. This session will explore how data can be made open in a way that ensures its responsible use.

Register here

Wednesday 26th October: Session 2

1PM AEST Look at the Evidence: Climate Journalism and Open Science

This panel webinar will delve into the intersections between climate journalism, open science, and climate justice. Through conversations with experts, we will explore the importance of journalism in raising awareness of the climate crisis. We will also highlight the role that open science – including open data and open access publications – plays in supporting this important work.

Register here

Thursday 27th October: Session 1

11AM AEST Moving past open access myths: let’s get provocative

We have moved past OA myths. Everyone understands now that having your work free-to-read means your work will have more impact, right? Let’s get into the real issues of 2022: why can no-one agree about preprints? What about open peer review? Is paid OA the way of the future? Join us for a provocative panel postulating on all this and more.

Register here

Thursday 27th October: Session 2

1PM AEST All together now: Citizen Science and Climate Justice

Join our panel as they explore how citizen science supports climate justice. Hear researchers involved with citizen science projects discuss their work and the importance of community engagement in climate science. We will learn how such projects can raise awareness of the climate crisis and support calls to action.

Register here

Friday 28th October: Session 1

11AM AEST Real world impacts: how does open access tackle climate (in)justice?

Climate (in)justice is ongoing, the climate emergency unrepentant. In this panel we explore how actions and activists might be better informed and empowered if access to climate science was open and accessible.

Register here

Friday 28th October: OER Part 2

2PM AEST Get your hands (figuratively) dirty to help the planet: Hacking a guide to open climate resources for teachers #2

Following the Tuesday session, Climate Guide Hackers Unite! We’ll see what we’ve made, tidy things up and get ready to publish it!

Register here 

Friday 28th October: Session 2

1PM AEST Wikimedia collaborations for climate research knowledge sharing

Wikipedia, Wikidata and other Wikimedia platforms are a major source of open knowledge on climate change and environmental issues. The accuracy of this information is therefore highly impactful. Join us for a discussion of how teamwork self-organises within these projects and how research and outreach collaborations are formed with the the broader knowledge ecosystem.

Register here 

We acknowledge the Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the first inhabitants of the nation and acknowledge Traditional Owners of the lands where our staff and students, live, learn and work.Acknowledgement of Country

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Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA) 4.0 International License. Content from this Guide should be attributed to James Cook University Library. This does not apply to images, third party material (seek permission from the original owner) or any logos or insignia belonging to JCU or other bodies, which remain All Rights Reserved.
