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Staying up to date: Alerting & current awareness services: Conferences

This guide provides information about how to set up alerts to be notified of new information in your field across resources such as journals, books, websites, conferences, research data and funding.

How to find relevant conferences in your field

Conferences are very useful for keeping up to date with the most recent progress in your discipline.

As so many conferences are held each year worldwide, it can be difficult to find those that are most relevant to you.


Adapted from © 2019 Think. Check. Attend. 

How to find relevant conferences

Places to find information about upcoming conferences include:

  • Advertising in relevant journals
  • Discussion lists, blogs and social media
  • Professors and other researchers in your field
  • Conference listing sites (specific discipline & multidisciplinary sites)
  • Professional organisations and associations (organise or sponsor conferences)

Conference listing sites

Note - these sites are not comprehensive and do not list all conferences. 

Create an account on the site to set up email alerts.

International / Multidisciplinary

Discipline / Country specific

Professional associations & societies

Check your professional organisations' websites for news about conferences they promote or organise.

Use the sites below to identify organisations or search Google for terms such as (association OR society OR organisation) and terms about your field of research - eg wireless networks or veterinary.


There are many more conference listing sites and other sources of conference details that do not provide alert services by email or RSS. 

If you want to track a site that does not provide an alert service, use the Websites tracking tools.

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