You can tweak your results to find greater or fewer results by using the options (filters) on the left side of the screen.
You can select multiple options to tailor the search to your needs. When you mouse over the option, you will see a check box to the left and a crossed-out box to the right. Tick the checkbox on the left of the option to specify that you only want results that match those options. Use the crossed-out box to the right of the option to say you specifically want to exclude this option.
You can select multiple filters at the same time.

Use Refine to specify online only ("available online"), peer-reviewed, open access or physical items ("held by library").
Use Content Type to narrow to a specific format (e.g. books, journal articles, book chapters, reports, videos...)
Use Subject to narrow your results to items with certain subject headings.
Date lets you choose the date range to search (for example, if you only want articles from the past five years).
Library limits to results physically located in one of our library branches or resource centres (Townsville, Cairns, Singapore, etc.).
Collection limits to results from specific collections within the Library (e.g. Curriculum Collection, North Queensland Collection, Microform).
Other options to tweak your results will appear depending on the results of your search.
Once you have chosen your filters, you will see your active filters at the top of the filter list:

You can deselect individual filters by clicking on the "x" next to them, or you can turn off all of the filters by clicking on reset filters.
Clicking on remember filters will keep those filters for any new search conducted during the session. That means you can type in a new set of keywords and the filters you have already chosen will still apply. These filters will clear if you click on reset filters, or if you start a fresh search using New Search at the top of the screen