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Using One Search

Using the library's search tool, One Search, to find journal articles, books, book chapters and much, much more.

Suggested citations

One Search offers suggested citations.

Click on the quotation marks icon to see a list of available styles. Select the style, and One Search will auto-generate a citation for that item.

Please note that citations generated by software are frequently flawed (and One Search is very hit-and-miss in terms of accuracy). It is important to check the accuracy of the suggested citations.

Proceed with caution:

  • One Search is very hit-and-miss with its generated citations, and we do not recommend you use them in your assignment without checking them first.
    • Check the suggested citation against the work to make sure the details are correct
    • Check the pattern against the appropriate referencing Guide to make sure the formatting is correct
  • The Copy Citation to Clipboard funtion currently copies as plain text, which removes formatting like italics. If you copy and paste the suggested citation into your document, you will need to fix the formatting.

One Search and EndNote

Exporting to EndNote

You can export your items to the desktop version of EndNote (or any bibliographic software tool that uses RIS files, such as Mendeley and Zotero) using the Export RIS/EndNote option under the cite menu or the more menu (the three dots). You can also import directly to EndNote Web, but you will need to have set up an EndNote Web account before you can use this feature.

Primo (the platform used by One Search) currently only allows 50 items to be selected at any given time. You can either export your results in batches of 50, or you can send the batches of 50 to your Favourites (select all results on the page and then hit the pin icon above the search results list). From your Favourites (hit the pin icon in the black bar at the top of the page), you can export your results in bulk.

Change the number of results per page from 10 to 50, then select all results on the page. Use the more menu (three dots) to either export directly to EndNote or add to Favourites.

Drop down the arrow next to the number of results displayed per page. You will be able to change it to 50.


Select all items on the page and click on the pin icon to add to Favourites


Click on the three dots to open the more menu. Select Export RIS/EndNote

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Creative Commons Licence
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA) 4.0 International License. Content from this Guide should be attributed to James Cook University Library. This does not apply to images, third party material (seek permission from the original owner) or any logos or insignia belonging to JCU or other bodies, which remain All Rights Reserved.
