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IEEE Style Guide

IEEE Referencing

Presented at Conference

Format: [#] A. Author. "Title of paper," presented at Conference title, (abbrev.) [Type of Medium]. Available from URL


[15] Process Software Corp., MA. "Intranets: Internet technologies deployed behind the firewall for corporate productivity," presented at INET’96 Annu. Meeting [Online]. Available from

[16] J. Hamari, J. Koivisto and H. Sarsa, “Does gamification work? A literature review of empirical studies on gamification,” presented at 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), [Online]. Available from

Published in Conference Proceedings Online


 Format: [#] A. Author and B. Author of paper, “Title of paper,” in Title of Published Proceedings: Proceedings of the Title of Conf.: Subtitle of conference, Month Day, Year, Location, [Format]. Available from Database Name (if appropriate), doi:.


[17] L. Kuan and Y. Khaw, “Voltage and current detectors for series arc in low voltage switchboard,” in 2014 IEEE 8th International Power Engineering and Optimization Conference (PEOCO), Mar 24-25, 2014, Langkawi, Malaysia, [Online]. Available from IEEE Xplore, doi: 10.1109/PEOCO.2014.6814392.

Published in Conference Proceedings Print

Format: [#] A. Author and B. Author of paper, “Title of paper,” in Title of Published Proceedings: Proceedings of the Title of Conf.: Subtitle of conference, Month Day, Year, Location, A. Editor and B. Editor, Eds. Place of publication: Publisher, Year. pp. Page numbers.


[18] R. Rankov and A. Whittenben, “Spectral efficient signaling for half-duplex relay channels,” in Conference Record of the Thirty-Ninth Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, 2005, Oct 30, 2005, Pacific Grove, CA, M. Matthews, Ed. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2005. pp. 1066-1071.

[19] J.D. Ginger and D.J. Henderson. “Reliability of metal-clad, low-rise, low-pitch roofs subjected to wind loads”. In Proceedings of Australian Structural Engineering Conference Sept. 11,2005, Mark G. Stewart and Brad Dockrill, Eds. Newscastle, NSW, Australia. Tour Hosts pp. 1-8.

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