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IEEE Referencing


*If the resource does not have a publication date use n.d. (no date)

e.g. [4] Dept. of Engineering, " Engineering basics," Building the community, Sydney: Creating Better Cities. n.d. [Online]. Available from www.madeupexample.com. [Accessed Jan. 25, 2017].


[#] A. Author, Webpage name, Source/production information, Date of internet publication. [Format]. Available from internet address. [Accessed: Date of access].


[26] Engineers Australia, For students and educators, Canberra: Engineers Australia, 2017. [Online]. Available from https://www.engineersaustralia.org.au/For-Students-And-Educators. [Accessed Sept. 21, 2017].

[27] Work Cover Queensland, Electrical contractor licences. Brisbane: Queensland Government, 2017. [Online]. Available from https://www.worksafe.qld.gov.au/licensing-and-registrations/electrical-licences/electrical-contactor-licences. [Accessed Sept. 21, 2017].

Australian Bureau of Statistics


[#] Australian Bureau of Statistics, Webpage name, (cat. no.). Place/Source information, Date of internet publication. [Format]. Available from internet address. [Accessed: Date of access].


[22] Australian Bureau of Statistics, Engineering Construction Activity, Australia, Jun 2017 (cat. No. 8762.0). Canberra: ABS, 2017. [Online]. Available from http://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/abs@.nsf/mf/8762.0. [Accessed Sept. 21, 2017].

[23] Australian Bureau of Statistics, Functional Classification of Buildings, 1999 (Revision 2011) (cat. no. 1268.0.55.001). Canberra: ABS, 2012. [Online]. Available from http://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/abs@.nsf/Latestproducts/058EA95039E82320CA257A400012C530?opendocument. [Accessed: Sept. 21, 2017].

Government Publication


[#] Author, "Document title". Place/Source information, Date of internet publication. [Format]. Available from internet address. [Accessed: Date of access].


[20] Australian Building Codes Board, International fire engineering guidelines – Edition 2005. Canberra: ABCB, 2015. [Online]. Available from www.abcb.gov.au/-/media/Files/Resources/Education-Training/Guidelines-International-Fire-Engineering-2005.pdf. [Accessed Sept. 21, 2017].

[21] Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation, The Queensland renewable energy plan: A clean energy future for Queensland. Brisbane: Queensland Government, 2009. [Online]. Available from https://www.cabinet.qld.gov.au/documents/2009/Jun/Qld%20Renewable%20Energy%20Plan/Attachments/Qld%20Renewable%20Energy%20Plan.pdf. [Accessed Sept. 21, 2017].


Web Document Pdf, Word, Excel)


[#] A. Author, "Document title," Webpage name, Source/production information, Date of internet publication. [Format]. Available: internet address. [Accessed: Date of access].


[24] Communications Alliance, "C628:2015 Telecommunications consumer protection code: Incorporation variation No.1/2017". Australian Communications and Media Authority, Aug. 21, 2017. [Online]. Available: https://www.acma.gov.au/-/media/Networks/Regulation/pdf/TCP_code_C628_2015_incorp_Variation_No1_2017-pdf.pdf?la=en. [Accessed Sept. 29, 2017].

[25] Online Civil, "Bridge cost estimate". Online Civil, 2017. [Online]. Available from https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_4PdKkYoZMWcld5bHRkVk9oQzA/view. [Accessed Sept. 21, 2017].

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