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LE Cairns Procedures

Alumni - Community Member Registration

  • No cost
  • Photo ID & proof of current Australian address required.
  • Loans - 20 items for 3 weeks, automatic renewal
  • Alumni and other Community Members do not have access to our online resources with the following exceptions:
    • Anyone, including members of the public, can access our online resources from the two Community Use computers on the ground floor of the library.
    • In addition, Alumni can register with the Alumni association to access the National Geographic and ProQuest databases.

Alumni - Not in ALMA

Staff or students who have just recently finished at JCU should still be in ALMA - if they are in ALMA use the procedure for Alumni - Already in ALMA

If they are not in ALMA, they will need to be looked up in Identity Support - ask a Library Experience Librarian

If this is not possible, continue to sign them up and leave a note on the paper form for it to be checked later.


Registering Alumni who are not in ALMA


1. Search ALMA to see if the user is already in ALMA  - Fulfillment →  Manage Patron Services

If they are already in ALMA, use the procedure for Alumni - Already in ALMA

If they are not in ALMA continue with the procedures to register them as a new borrower


2. Staff member sights photo ID with corresponding address (matches one entered on membership registration form)

Acceptable Photo ID includes:

Driver's License

Passport (if no address on passport include accompanying address documents)

18+ Card (with accompanying address documents)

Address Documents

Electricity bill

Phone bill

Rates notice etc.


Fill in Membership Registration Form

3. Get a Member Registration Form and a blank Community Borrower library card

The forms and the cards are both in the Borrower Registration folder in the bottom drawer of the filing cabinet outside Mark's office.


Entering their Details in ALMA

4. Select Register New User on the upper right hand side of the screen.

Complete the following fields:

First Name

Last Name

Primary identifier remains as their jcxxxxxx number (Add it in if you are signing them up as a new member.) 

Note if they do not know their jcnumber leave the field blank. (ALMA will automatically generate a number which we can replace with their JCnumber later) and note on the form that we need to find their previous student details. 

Select Associate Member from the User Group from drop down options

Select Campus as JCU Australia
Email type and email address


Address line 1 - street number and street name or PO Box number

City - suburb


Phone type and number

Add their choice of PIN (last four digits of borrower card or phone number) 

Advise patron that when they first log into their library account with their barcode and PIN, they will be prompted to reset their password. 

Community members can reset at anytime using the Forgot Password option. (If you are unable add a PIN number to a patron account please let a LE staff member know)

In User Management Information, tick Force password change on next login

Click Update User

Confirmation Message - Confirm

Amend the expiry date to one year from the registration date if it hasn't already been set

No Registration fine should be generated if Associate member has been selected.


Adding additional ID; Borrower card number 

5. Click on the primary identifier on the right hand side (usually this will be their JCnumber or borrower card)

Click on the Identifiers tab

Click + Add Identifier

Identifier Type: Additional ID 1

Value: Scan in Community Borrower card number

Note: type in Borrower card barcode

Click Add and Close



Click on Statistics tab

6. Click + Add Statistic

Category Type: Community User Type

Statistical Category: Community Borrower Alumni

Click Add and Close

Filling Out the Statistical Category Section


This should be filled out once the patron has been signed up. All boxes should be filled in. 

Sending the Welcome Email

8. Once the membership is finalised, a welcome email should be sent via LibAnswers. 

Note: In Townsville, Membership forms are to be placed in the tray for "Membership Registration Forms" to be checked by a Librarian. The Librarian will send the Welcome email once the ALMA account has been checked. 

Log in to LibAnswers and create a new ticket in the Library Experience queue using the clients name and email address.

Once the ticket has been created, send a Reply using the Welcome Email - Alumni macros, editing the details as needed. 

This macros will automatically add the tag LE: Membership

Submit Reply as Closed

Quick Glance Guide

We acknowledge the Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the first inhabitants of the nation and acknowledge Traditional Owners of the lands where our staff and students, live, learn and work.Acknowledgement of Country

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA) 4.0 International License, unless otherwise noted. Content from this Guide should be attributed to James Cook University Library. This does not apply to images, third party material (seek permission from the original owner) or any logos or insignia belonging to JCU or other bodies, which remain All Rights Reserved.
