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LE Cairns Procedures

Opening Procedures

Required Resources: Back door key & workroom key OR staff/student card

  • Enter by loading bay door at the rear of the Library Building by swipe card or key
  • Unlock door into workroom, using workroom door key.
    • If you don’t have a workroom key, enter the library via the internal fire stairs from the loading bay, then open the workroom via the door behind the service desk using student/staff card or back door key. Then unlock the door to the loading bay from inside the workroom.
  • Turn on lights in the workroom (left hand side as you go in).
  • Collect key-safe key from its hiding place.
  • Unlock internal rooms for all the keys on the large key ring in key safe.
  • Weekends – Leave the  sliding glass door from the workroom locked.
  • Weekdays - Unlock sliding glass door from the workroom - 
    • Turn lock to “auto” (using back door key) – arrow needs to point to Auto, not dot

This door is on a timer and, once unlocked usually starts a few minutes prior to Library opening times.

  • Turn on ground floor lights (switches outside sliding door)
  • Turn on the lights for the middle and top floor
    • Switches are on the middle floor, to the left of Equity and Wellbeing office
    • There are also some switches next to the middle floor stair well (next to the male toilet)
  • Check that security has locked external and opened internal doors to B1.005
    • If not, call them on 222
  • Check after hours chute on ground floor using book return key from key safe (or back door key)
    • Wand any books. In ALMA – Return Items
  • Turn on lights in display cabinets in front of lift
  • Log on both front desk computers and the workroom computer. All have the same login and password
    • Login                     xjc00211
    • Password             b!PsluZV8W%$
  • Run hold shelf list to check all items are present


  • Remove divert on the phones (one next to the workroom PC and two on the service desk)
    • For the two on the service desk, press the  “send all” button (tick should disappear)
    • For the one in the workroom, press arrow next to OK then push lit button next to Call Forward

When you have time…


You will need to log into ALMA using your own log in details

  • Check ‘Pick From Shelf’ list (top of the screen in Fullfillment).
    • Retrieve any books then scan in using Scan In Items
    • In the Scan In Items screen, make sure Yes is ticked next to Place Directly on Holds Shelf
  • Check ‘Expired Hold Shelf’
    • Retrieve any expired holds from the Hold Shelf then them scan in using Scan In Items

In the event of a staff member not arriving for shift:

  • Contact Team Leader – phone number in front of diary (if uncontactable please try another tem member or Library Manager.

We acknowledge the Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the first inhabitants of the nation and acknowledge Traditional Owners of the lands where our staff and students, live, learn and work.Acknowledgement of Country

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