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ResearchOnline@JCU: Manage Deposits

This Guide will help researchers and depositors get started with ResearchOnline@JCU, the institutional repository of James Cook University. ResearchOnline@JCU is the collection of research outputs by JCU staff and higher degree research students.

The Manage deposits screen explained

When you login to ResearchOnline@JCU as a depositor, you arrive at the Manage deposits screen. This shows all the items (records of publications or creative works) that you have entered manually or have the responsibility of editing.

You can check or uncheck boxes to view the the status of records (User Work Area, Under Review, Live Archive, Retired). See Colour codes - what they mean.

If you are an author/creator you may have other items in ResearchOnline@JCU that have been created or edited by another individual. They do not appear in your Manage deposits screen. Look to the navigation links on the left of the screen and select the link Publications of yourself. This will show the status of items in ResearchOnline@JCU where you are listed correctly as an author/creator.

Colour codes - what they mean

YELLOW User Workarea
  • The item edited/created by you has not been deposited.
  • Might need more editing - have all the mandatory fields been completed?
  • You can edit and delete items in this area
PURPLE Under Review
  • Item edited/created by you has been deposited and awaits processing by ResearchOnline@JCU staff.
  • Once deposited you cannot edit or delete the item
GREEN Live Archive
  • Item deposited by you has been made live
  • You cannot edit or delete this item
  • Anyone can view the item
GREY Retired
  • Item you have deposited has been retired from the repository. Usually requested for a particular reason, i.e. duplicate

See more....

You can add columns to your view to help identify records, duplicates and any holdups to your record.

At the bottom of the Manage deposits screen, there is an option to add columns. The columns we recommend are:

  • Item ID: shows the unique record number. This is essential to know especially if 2 records have the same or similar titles!
  • Comments and Suggestions: ResearchOnline@JCU staff leave notes here to remind them of outstanding information required to complete the record or what processing has been or needs to be carried out.

You can sort by column also - just click on the column heading.

What the last column means

View all the fields in your record
Click this to delete your record
Edit the record
Deposit the record

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Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA) 4.0 International License. Content from this Guide should be attributed to James Cook University Library. This does not apply to images, third party material (seek permission from the original owner) or any logos or insignia belonging to JCU or other bodies, which remain All Rights Reserved.
