Figures, Tables and Boxes
Figures, Tables and Boxes are given a number and a header in AMA. If you have more than one, you number them sequentially, according to their order of appearance in the text and the type of figure (e.g.: Box 1, Box 2, Table 1, Table 2, Figure 1, Figure 2...)
Table is used for any data arranged in tabular format.
Figure is used for graphs, diagrams and images (like illustrations or photographs).
Box is used for textual information like lists, dot-points, side-bars and the like.

Continue numbering based on what has been used in the main text. If the last number used in the text was 3, then the first number in your table/figure/box will be 4 (unless it is the same source, in which case it will be 3 again).
If the entire table, figure or box has been taken from (or represents information taken from) the same source, place the superscript number at the end of the header
Table 1. Leading causes of mortality in Australia in 2018.4
Cause of death
Heart disease
aIncluding Alzheimer's disease.
If the information has been taken from various sources, place the superscript number after the relevant piece of information:
Table 2. Incidence of asthma in Queensland and Tasmania 2018
11% of children 0-4 years.7
12.2% of children and young people.8
10.6% overall population.9
12.6% overall population.10
The sequence of numbers within a table should be logical and consistent.
When setting out tables, figures and boxes in your document, you should give the give it a label (e.g. Table or Table 1) and a title next to the label. The label should be in bold, the title should not be in bold, and should be in sentence case.
Further notes explaining the table or figure can be placed in smaller font as a footnote under the table/image. Footnotes inside a table or figure that do not relate to referencing should be superscript letters, rather than superscript numbers.
See this attached Word document for examples of the format (machine readable):