Conduct an initial investigation:
Ask if they received an overdue notice, Lost notice, or notice from the debt collector
Ask the client when and how they returned the item
Ask the client if they have the returns slip or return email to show us
If the client does not have a returns slip or email and/or renewed the item instead of checking it in.
If the client does have the correct returns slip or email (‘returned successfully’), scan a copy to attach to the ticket or ask them to forward it to the ticket
Ask if the client used their ID card to check-in the item
Check their ALMA account to see if the item is on their account; check their attachments and notes tabs if they received these notices. Check the returns tab on the account if it has been returned if it is not on the loans tab.
If the item is not on their account, check to see if they have another account. (Their accounts should have been merged, If they aren’t please let a Library Experience team member know)
Click on the title of the book to check Renewal date, previous due date, new due date, time and location of where it was borrowed from.
Let the client know that library staff will check the shelves to see if the item can be found here.
Ask the client to check at home and respond to the email enquiry we send (and then create a ticket).
Check the queue for other claims returned tickets from this same client. Note this ticket number in the new ticket.
When a client emails their enquiry (most often in response to an overdue or Lost email notice), and claims to have returned the item that is still on their account:
Send the client an email via the ticket using the Claims Returned-first response macro so they know the process has progressed.
Proceed to add to the ticket, starting with your investigation in their account on ALMA.
When a client enquires via LibChat, claiming to have returned the item that is still on their account, the LibChat staff member should use their discretion whether they can conduct any ALMA investigation at that time. Otherwise, just ask when, where, and how they checked-in the item, and if they kept the returns slip.
Create a ticket in the Library Experience queue with the details you have
Library Experience staff will continue the investigation and search
Create a ticket in LibAnswers Library Experience queue titled Claims returned (TVL or CNS)
Use the member’s name and JCU email address (or other for community members)
Include all information in the ticket from your preliminary investigation with the client and from ALMA so other staff are aware of what has occurred.
Include -
Call number including Copy
Date renewed and/or date client claimed they checked-in the item
You’ve checked their other account (if there is one)
Add tag CS: Claims Returned
Send the client an email via the ticket using the
Claims Returned-first response macro so they know the process has progressed.
Delete the second paragraph if you obtained that information already.
In ALMA, place a note on the client’s account:
Note: Claims Returned ticket #number
Type: Library
User Viewable: check Yes
Pop up note: check yes
[Name of Patron] came into the library/ called the library/ emailed the library/ asked over chat about their Claims Returned.
Title :
Call number including Copy :
Barcode :
Date renewed and/or date client claimed they checked-in the item :
FIRST SHELF CHECK - Library Assistants will check the shelves once for the item.
If the item is FOUND ON SHELF
If the item is NOT FOUND
Check-in the item/s so it is removed from the member’s account.
If this is the client’s first known time in checking-in an item incorrectly (if that is the case), note this as an internal note and refer the ticket to the Supervisor or Team Leader for discretion on waiving the fine as a goodwill courtesy BEFORE SENDING THE RESPONSE. The Supervisor or Team Leader will send the response using the macro Claims returned – item found on shelf with the added note about waiving the fine as a courtesy (or not). → Close the ticket
If this is not the client’s first known time with this issue on a claims returned, note this as an internal note (referencing other ticket numbers) and proceed to send the response via the ticket using the macro Claims returned – item found on shelf. This response also alerts the client how to check-in in future to avoid accumulating fines. → Close the ticket
Do a SECOND SHELF CHECK on a separate day
If the item is not found on the second shelf check, send the macro response Claims returned – item NOT found on shelf. This asks the client to check again to see if they have the item.
Staff may add extra information to this, particularly if the client has accumulated a sanction fine that will not enable them to renew their items online.
If the client responds that they have located the item at their home or office (or wherever in their possession), → close the ticket.
The client is responsible for renewing the item or returning it if no longer required, and is responsible for paying any accumulated fine.
If the client responds that they definitely do not have the item, or they do not respond at all after seven days, send the macro response: Claims returned – item NOT FOUND ON SHELF 2
Apply the lost charge to the item in the member’s account in ALMA. See Changing an item to lost or damaged. → Close the Ticket
We acknowledge the Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the first inhabitants of the nation and acknowledge Traditional Owners of the lands where our staff and students, live, learn and work.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA) 4.0 International License, unless otherwise noted. Content from this Guide should be attributed to James Cook University Library. This does not apply to images, third party material (seek permission from the original owner) or any logos or insignia belonging to JCU or other bodies, which remain All Rights Reserved.