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Referencing Guides

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Harvard Referencing (AGSM)

Guide to the Harvard Referencing Style, as used by Australian Government bodies

Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)

The Australian Bureau of Statistics website provides information in a wide variety of formats, including webpages, spreadsheets, data cubes, maps, microdata and more.

The following section provides information for formatting types of data sets on the ABS website. These include spreadsheet series, data cubes, MicroData downloads, content generated with TableBuilder / Data Explorer, or DataLab microdata.

For other formats available from the ABS, see the relevant pages of this guide (e.g. Web Pages & Documents or Social media & blog posts) or see the ABS guide - How to cite ABS sources guide for formats not covered in this guide. Follow the advice in this guide for your referencing; however, you may need to adjust capitalisation and punctuation in accordance with the Harvard style used in the rest of your reference list.


Format Australian Bureau of Statistics (Year) Title of data set [type of data], Name of Website, accessed Day Month Year. URL

Time series spreadsheet:

ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics) (January 2023) 'Table 25: Underutilised persons by state, territory and sex (expanded analytical series), Monthly' [time series spreadsheet], Labour Force, Australia. accessed 19 February 2023. https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/labour/employment-and-unemployment/labour-force-australia/latest-release

Data cube:

ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics) (25 August 2022) 'Data cube 1: Tables 1-20 of counts of Australian businesses, including entries and exits' [data set], Counts of Australian businesses, including entries and exits,


Note - Census TableBuilder is only one type of TableBuilder data. See TableBuilder Topics for other descriptors.

ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics) (2016) 2016 Census - Employment, income and education [Census TableBuilder], ABS, accessed 2 November 2021. https://guest.censusdata.abs.gov.au/webapi/jsf/dataCatalogueExplorer.xhtml



  • Hyperlink the URL.  The Style Manual states to hyperlink the title, however when in print form, the source URL will not be evident and also linking titles does not work in citation software (i.e. EndNote).  Therefore, we recommend including a live URL instead.

For EndNote users:

EndNote Reference Type Government Document
Field notes  

We acknowledge the Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the first inhabitants of the nation and acknowledge Traditional Owners of the lands where our staff and students, live, learn and work.Acknowledgement of Country

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA) 4.0 International License, unless otherwise noted. Content from this Guide should be attributed to James Cook University Library. This does not apply to images, third party material (seek permission from the original owner) or any logos or insignia belonging to JCU or other bodies, which remain All Rights Reserved.
