If the image is for use only in an assignment or a PowerPoint presentation, follow the advice in this section.
In text citations
For assignments and presentations that will never be made publicly available you can just use a normal in-text citation in the note section under the image/figure (see the instructions for what to do for a document that is being made publicly available on our page for Theses and Publications). If you are providing a description as part of your note, you can include the citation as (author, date), or if there is no descriptive information you can just state the source of the image is Author (date).
For example:
Note. Photograph of the original painting hanging in the WAMA Gallery (Smith, 2017).
Note. Sourced from Smith (2017).
Reference list
Reference the source where the image was obtained from. If an image was viewed in a gallery or online then cite the image directly as a stand alone work. For images included in other sources reference the book, website or journal article that the image came from.
If the author is the same as the name of the website, omit the name of the website.
Remember to follow the referencing format of the resource you are using (e.g. book, journal article etc.) or include as much information about the image as possible:
References for image that come with the software you are using (e.g. PowerPoint, Canva) are not strictly necessary, but acknowledging the source is important to help your lecturers understand what images are and are not your own.
As such, we recommend mentioning that the image you have used was "supplied" by the software. For example, in your Note under the image, you might include:
Note. Image supplied by Microsoft PowerPoint 365
Include the name of the software developer, the software used and the version if possible. If this information is not available, use what you have:
Note. Image supplied by Canva
This would be treated as equivalent to personal communication, and not included in your reference list.
Please note, this is for images that exist as separate entities on the Internet, such as an image in Wikimedia Commons, Flickr, Pixabay, etc.
If the image is included as part of a webpage with other content, cite the webpage as per the example in the box below this one. If it is in a journal article, book or newspaper, cite the source in which it appears
Put the in-text citation in the note under the image/figure.
Format |
Author, A. A. or Creator, A. A. (Date). Title of image [Online image]. Publisher. http://www.xxxxx N.B. the author may be the person who posted the image to the platform, and may be using a screen name. |
Examples |
Standalone online image (see note above) Raphael. (2011). Portrait of a woman [Online image]. Wikimedia Commons. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Raffaello_Sanzio_-_Portrait_of_a_Woman_-_WGA18948.jpg Infographic Chundur, A. (2018). The Mona Lisa: Why do her eyes follow you? [Infographic]. The Leaf. https://shsleaf.org/35480/media/infographics/the-mona-lisa-why-do-her-eyes-follow-you/ Clipart Hamid, E. (n.d.). Mon-alien-alisa [Clipart]. Vecteezy. https://www.vecteezy.com/vector-art/7357535-alien-monalisa-illustration |
In text |
Figure 1 Portrait of a Woman by Raphael, 1505-1506. Note. Sourced from Raphael (2011).
Figure 2 Infographic: The Mona Lisa: Why Do Her Eyes Follow You? Note. Sourced from Chundur (2018). Figure 3 Stylized Mona Lisa. Note. Sourced from Hamid (n.d.). |
Please note, this is for images that you found on a web page, and cannot find as a separate entity on the web (e.g. in Flickr or Wikimedia Commons). Just like images that you find in a journal article or book, the source you reference is where the image can be found: i.e., the web page.
Put the in-text citation in the note under the image/figure.
Format |
Author, A. A. or Creator, A. A. (Date). Title of image. Publisher. http://www.xxxxx N.B., if the author and the publisher are the same, skip the publisher. |
Examples |
Un Jour de Plus à Paris. (n.d.). The tumultuous history of the Mona Lisa. https://www.unjourdeplusaparis.com/en/paris-culture/histoire-de-la-joconde |
In text |
Figure 1 The Mona Lisa in situ Note. Sourced from Un Jour de Plus à Paris (n.d.). |
Format |
Author, A. A. (Date). Title of entry. Title of Journal, volume number(issue number), page numbers of the whole article. https://doi.org/xx.xxx/xxxx |
Examples |
Rousset, L., Bernardeschi, C. & Halioua, B. (2019, May). Did Mona Lisa suffer from postpartum thyroiditis? The Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, 33(5). e225-e226. https://doi.org/10.1111/jdv.15412 |
In text |
Figure 2 Close Up of Mona Lisa (Left Eye) by Leonardo da Vinci. Note. Sourced from Rousset et al. (2019, p. e225). |
Format |
Author, A. A. (Date). Title book. Publisher. DOI or http://www.xxxxx (if applicable) |
Examples |
Kempt, M. (2012). Christ to Coke: How image becomes icon. Oxford University Press. |
In text |
Figure 3 Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci. Note. Sourced from Kempt (2012, p. 144). |
Format |
Author A. A. or Creator, A. A. (Date). Title of work [Clipart]. Publisher. http://www.xxxxx |
Examples |
Wikimedia Foundation. (2009). Stylized Mona Lisa [Clipart]. Wikimedia Commons. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Stylized_Mona_Lisa.svg |
In text |
Figure 4 Stylized Mona Lisa. Note. Sourced from Wikimedia Foundation (2010). |
APA style does not require a citation for images marked as "no attribution required". However, your lecturer may wish for a citation for every source you use in your assignment, including sources that state you can use them without attribution.
Always check with your lecturer for the requirements of your assignment.
We acknowledge the Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the first inhabitants of the nation and acknowledge Traditional Owners of the lands where our staff and students, live, learn and work.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA) 4.0 International License, unless otherwise noted. Content from this Guide should be attributed to James Cook University Library. This does not apply to images, third party material (seek permission from the original owner) or any logos or insignia belonging to JCU or other bodies, which remain All Rights Reserved.