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Referencing Guides

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Harvard Referencing (2002 version)

Guide to citing & referencing in this author, date style for JCU students



Presenter, AA (Pres.) year, 'Title of episode', Title of program (in italics), Producers (Prods.), Format, Name of channel, DD month YYYY, (original transmission) accessed date, <URL>..


Kruszelnicki, K (Pres.) 2018, 'The hummingbird: a furnace with feathers', Great Moments in Science, C Smith (Prod.), Podcast, 3 April 2018, ABC, accessed 9 April 2018, <http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/greatmomentsinscience/hummingbird-furnace-with-feathers/9600536>.

In-text citation:

(Kruszelnicki 2018)

Blog post


Author(s) Year of post, 'Title of blogpost' - in single quotation marks, Title of blogsite - in italics, Format, Day and Month of post, Viewed date, <URL>.


Farrow, E 2017, 'Young adult books must get it write when it comes to mental health', Huffington Post, Blog post, 27 November, viewed 9 April 2018, <https://www.huffingtonpost.com.au/erin-farrow/young-adult-books-must-get-it-write-when-it-comes-to-mental-health_a_23284859/?utm_hp_ref=au-blog>.

TheSharonB 2018, 'A reading challenge for 2018 - Week 1', JCU Library News, Blog post, 2 January, viewed 9 April 2018, <https://jculibrarynews.blogspot.com.au/2018/01/a-reading-challenge-for-2018-week-1.html>.

In-text citation:

(Farrow 2017)

TheSharonB (2018) has set a reading challenge ...

YouTube video


Author(s) Year, Title - italicised, type of medium, Day and Month (if applicable), Description of post, viewed date, <URL>.


ESLClips, 2013, How to start an essay, online video, 15 March, YouTube, viewed 9 April 2018, <https://youtu.be/VbmUzBoRmf0>.

Stauber, S 2013, Academic intregrity, online video, 21 August, YouTube, viewed 9 April 2018, <https://youtu.be/2wvXEAO4Q44>.

In-text citation:

As shown in the YouTube clip on writing an essay (ESLClips 2013).

Stauber (2013) discusses points on academic ingregrity.

Social media


Author of post - last name, inital(s) Year, Name of the page or the content or caption of the post - up to the first 40 words and in italics, Type of post, Date of post - Day Month, viewed Date, <URL>.


James Cook University Library 2018, Here is a monitor, outside the library, Facebook post, 5 April, viewed 9 April 2018, <https://www.facebook.com/pg/JCULibrary/posts/?ref=page_internal>.

JCU Library 2018, It’s Mabo Day!, Tweet, 2 June 2018, viewed 9 June 2018, <https://twitter.com/JCULibrary/status/1003069529654640642>.

In-text citation:

There is some amazing wildlife on the JCU campuses (James Cook University Library 2018).

JCU Library (2018) posted a Tweet celebrating ...

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA) 4.0 International License, unless otherwise noted. Content from this Guide should be attributed to James Cook University Library. This does not apply to images, third party material (seek permission from the original owner) or any logos or insignia belonging to JCU or other bodies, which remain All Rights Reserved.
