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Harvard Referencing (2002 version)

Guide to citing & referencing in this author, date style for JCU students

A resource has no date

If the publication date of a resource is not identifiable cite the date as n.d.

Reference list: n.d., Math teacher resources: lesson plans, games & more,, viewed 17 March 2018, <>.

Richmond Landcare n.d., Fact sheet: green tree frogs, New South Wales Government, viewed 17 March 2018, <>.

In-text citation:

( n.d.)

Richmond Landcare (n.d.) have noted ...

Same author & date


List alphabetically by title. Add a, b, etc, to the date in both reference list and in-text citations.

Note: The letters a, b, etc are given in order of the appearance in the reference list, regardless of what order they appear in the text.

Allan, MS 1983a, 'Uses of video recording in an institution', in J McGovern (ed.), Video applications in English language teaching, Pergamon, London, pp. 83-93.

Allan, MS 1983b, 'Viewing comprehension with video', ELT Journal, vol. 37, no.1, pp. 23-7. 

In text citation

(Allan 1983b)

Allan (1983a)

Several entries by the same author

First, list all books etc written or edited solely by this author, in chonological (date) order:

Collins, M 2000, Really interesting stuff, Penguin, London.

Collins, M 2005, More really interesting stuff, Penguin, London.

Next, co-authored or co-edited works that list this author first, in alphabetical order (by the next co-author’s name):

Collins, M & Adams, A 1995, Not so interesting stuff, Penguin, London.

Collins, M & Smith, A 1990, Stuff that's kind of interesting in parts, Penguin, London.

Citing something that someone else has cited

This is known as 'secondary referencing'.

It would be preferable to find the original quote to examine the context in which it was written. If that isn't possible use this format.

In this example you have seen Olsen's book.  In it she quotes something by Wembley.

Format - in-text citation

Author of the quote (Year, cited in Author of resource you have seen, year, page no.)

In-text citation:

Include the author and year of both texts, and the page of the citation you are quoting from.

Wembley (1997, cited in Olsen 1999, p. 156) argues that impending fuel shortages ...

Reference List

Only include a reference for the resource that you have actually seen, in this case Olsen.

Olsen, M 1999, My career, Gallimard, Paris.

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Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA) 4.0 International License. Content from this Guide should be attributed to James Cook University Library. This does not apply to images, third party material (seek permission from the original owner) or any logos or insignia belonging to JCU or other bodies, which remain All Rights Reserved.
